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Caterina J Makes Her Long-Awaited Return to the Stage

A birthday bash performance that kicked off not only another trip around the sun for this keyboard-wielding siren but also a phase in her career sure to be overflowing with fulfillment, distinction, and growth.
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My Father's A Cop

A true story about a father and son, one a decorated homicide detective, the other an actor and local legend who struck fear in the hearts of all who crossed his path. One had a life laced with drug addiction, psych wards, and time in the country's toughest prisons. The other, a career with the NYPD and the task of keeping his boy alive.
After discovering the mob wanted him dead, Jerry took refuge at his father's home.
With a gun in each hand and his face red with anger Joe said to Jerry, “Now you listen! I was a kid from the street a long time before I was a cop! What do you wanna do? You wanna go down there and shoot it out with these cock suckers or do you want to turn yourself in early? Do you want to kill these fucking guys and be done with it or what?” That’s where his head was, that's where he had been driven.
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Dana Fuchs Returns to Ruf Records With a Bonafide Southern Rock Flagship

Dana's triumphant release of Borrowed Time marks a departure from a blues-centric repertoire into a stunning and hard-hitting rock masterpiece. “We just decided we were going to go in and make an unapologetic rock record. It's something I've always wanted to do. I wanted to draw from that Southern rock I grew up on like Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Stones, and Led Zeppelin. They are the bands that led me to discover blues music so it was going to that early influence of mine and saying OK, I've done the soul thing and now I just really want to rock out.”

Tomás Doncker was standing in Thompson Chemists, a well-loved pharmacy in Soho where you might run into your favorite artist playing live music while you pick up your prescriptions. It’s known for being the kind of place where you go for shampoo and Tylenol and end up staying for the atmosphere.
Jesse Paris Smith, (the Grammy-nominated musician, composer, and daughter of Patti Smith) was holding her phone up to him with her mom on FaceTime. Still stunned from the unexpected meeting and with all eyes in the store glued to him Tomás said, “Patti are you serious, can you say that one more time so everyone can hear that?”
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The Stars Align for Synth-Pop Phenoms Moon Kissed

Moon Kissed is a promising Brooklyn-based synth-pop trio. The cheerful youth-drunk band has produced an impressive set of catchy, memorable songs and a charged boundary-pushing performance that is energetic as well as daring. The group is known to perform their synth-ladened poppy licks with the occasional appearance of crowd-rousing punkish riffs topless in an unheeding and defiant “fuck you!” to, well, who cares. Just, fuck you.
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Lummoxi Exclusive:
An Interview with Blues Powerhouse Dana Fuchs

At the altar of song, Dana Fuchs' smoldering voice is a sermon that electrifies and redeems. Her unique brand of triumphant blues forged of profound tragedy enraptures devotees, as she also uses the stage to keep her sister's memory alive with a message of mental health awareness and suicide prevention.

Keeping the legacy of the iconic body of Michigan-based music alive is taken up by two Michigan natives and music veterans in the new radio show, Songs From The Trail.

And no rest for Brooklyn's own punk hardcore band No Call No Show. A Look at the artists and venues fighting to keep the city alive.
After becoming skilled at concealing his true appearance, he boldly decided to share his condition and amazing talent with the world. WATCH.

“Music is an escape and a shelter. During treatments, music brought beauty in my life, where everything was so ugly and painful. It helped me to disconnect from my reality and to connect with my emotions. Playing gave me the chance to express my darkest feelings, but also by letting myself be carried away by more soothing and joyful pieces.”
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The Real Michael Imperioli

The snap decision Soprano's star, Michael Imperioli, made at seventeen that led him down an uncertain path and changed his life forever.

Rebecca Chianese follows up her debut novel Mercy with her latest book Unspoken, an empowering story about shedding light on the assault of girls and women in society.
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Anti-Asian Violence On the Rise as Media
Focuses On Political "Cat Videos"

The deadly cost of racism, the weaponized words of a President, and a media's unrelenting fixation on partisan one-liners and Cancun outrage.
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Michael Imperioli's Most Embarrassing Moment on Stage & His 3 Tips on How to Ace an Audition

Photo by Mel D. Cole
Are we at the cusp of greater societal upheaval? Only time will tell. The collective events of the last year have made it palpable - what divides us is a sickness that runs much deeper than what is seen on screens. If there is a remedy to be had to heal this country and bridge the chasm among its citizens, from the picture that these photos paint, one is only left to assume that time is running out.
Patriots or rioters? Loyalists or terrorists?
They said they were fighting for their children and grandchildren. They said they were prepared to die that day for their country, and some did.
They Chanted, USA! They called to let the Proud Boys get through to the front line as they hurled weapons and debris at the capitol building while succeeding at scaling its walls. They broke barricades, windows, and doors and entered by the hundreds.
Journalists were beaten and stripped of their equipment, attendees of the riot were trampled and stomped upon.
Lawmakers ran from the senate floor to safety. The stark amount of capitol police officers present stood guard with guns drawn to protect cabinet members and democracy itself.
The photos below were taken by the brave photojournalists who were on the ground that day and one undercover law enforcement officer who was willing to share a few shots that he took while on duty. The photos are being shared by permission through Lummoxi’s head of photography.

Photo by Mel D. Cole

Photo by Mel D. Cole

Photo by Mel D. Cole

Photo by JasonAndrew/NYT

Photo by Michael Ade

Photo by Julio Cortez / AP

Photo by Mel D. Cole

Photo by Mike Sweetman

Photo by Mike Sweetman
Photo by Erin Shafer

Photo by Mike Sweetman
"Only a cleansing of our whole society can remove this sickness from our souls" - RFK
This short speech by Robert Kennedy from 1968 echoes into modern times, powerful and as relevant as ever. In it, RFK joins in words with Abraham Lincoln to remind us that appeals to violence, mobs of rioters, can never win. And those who make such an appeal will pay the cost.
However, the storming of mobs and rioters is rarely ever about pure anarchy. RFK's words are deafening as he implores us to look upon another kind of violence; the violence of institutions, inaction, decay, and the "slow destruction" of hopelessness, inequality, injustice, racism, and despair. This is the violence the leads the hopeless to hatred, intolerance, conspiracy, and insurrection. This is the violence that must be quelled before peace will prevail.
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Now Serving Bacon
With a Side of Sacrilegious Kink Behind the Facepaint of an Impious Clown
The Bacons are a UK based counter-culture couple who seek out defunct abandoned haunts where the subject of their urbex photo shoots are often sexually irreverent, downright creepy, and totally intriguing.
Domestic Tensions Rise as We Learn to Live and Work From Home

Musicians creating music, artists trying to achieve their flow state, professionals on Zoom calls, or students in the books - in a situation where families are working from home - all are now fighting for prime real estate, specifically the quietest areas of the home.

photo by Bella Juliana Imperioli
n a curious string of events, Emmy-award winning actor, Michael Imperioli, puts down the piece and picks up an axe as frontman for the band, Zopa. Read their story and listen to the long-awaited debut album, 'La Dolce Vita'.
photo by Mike Sweetman