A Desert Gem
Cynthia Guilfoyle is an artist and entrepreneur in every sense of the word. One may say it’s in her blood as she hails from a family filled with Artists, Writers and a successful business owning father with an entrepreneurial spirit that didn't quit.
Cynthia herself has been making jewelry since she was a child. What started out as a hobby with her mother morphed into a lucrative career making vintage jewelry. Her artistry has been featured on two separate occasions in Jewelry affair magazine because of her unique style and attention to detail. She uses only the finest of materials and ensures that each piece lives up to her standards. The beauty of her pieces are timeless and can be worn for formal events as well as everyday casual looks.
Her artistry and creativity isn’t limited to jewelry. She is also a published poet and was featured regularly over the course of two years on THRU Media’s online publication. An interview and sampling of her work can be found here.
Cynthia has been in Tucson Arizona for the last five years but spent most of her life in the Northwestern United States, Including Alaska where she lived and worked on fishing boats in her late teens and early twenties. She states that while the work was hard it was a great experience, but not one that she would care to revisit.
This artist's goals for the future include continuing to further her online jewelry making business, enjoying more reprieves from the Arizona sun in Canada and a soon to be published book of poetry.
“The inspiration for my jewelry is always rooted in nature. I consider myself to be a self-taught naturalist, and I enjoy spending hours at a time in nature, sometimes taking photographs, sometimes just observing the natural world around me. Creating jewelry pieces using natural forms such as leaves, flowers and insects is such a joy for me. Whenever I am unable to spend time outdoors, I can be indoors making vintage-style, nature-inspired jewelry pieces while daydreaming about nature! I find the marriage of vintage and natural elements to be one that works amazingly well.”
From the Artist
